Friday, March 22, 2013

Tedward Edward

Yesterday D-boy came home all excited with a back pack I'd never seen before. Apparently it's his turn to bring home Tedward Edward. Now the picture above is not the actual picture of this little teddy bear D-boy brought home but it looks very similar. Tedward also came with 2 journals that include notes from every home this bear has been to, it started in September of 2009. My first question for D-boy is can we wash this bear?  Honestly all I could think about is how many germs does this bear have and when is the last time it got washed. The idea is super cute but how many diseases is this thing really carrying?? Of course he wants to carry it every where and sleep with it every night. Would it be wrong to bathe it in anti bacterial soap? Just our luck he gets it right before spring break. Every other kid only had to keep it for the weekend. We get the privilege of having it for almost a week and a half. We are going to my sister n law's wedding next week and he wants to bring it to the wedding! Which means we have to bring it on the plane with us. I don't mind bringing it on the plane and taking pictures, but it won't be making an appearance at the wedding. Sorry D-boy, I'm having a hard enough time letting it sleep in your bed. I admit I need help, maybe I should just put it in the washer to make me feel better. I blame our anti bacterial society, every where you go now you can use this stuff. At Target they have wipes you can use before you push your cart around the store. Its at grocery stores, the gym, the doctor's office (ok it should be at the dr's office), but really its every where. I don't think I worried so much about germs before I had D-boy. So this is our adventure for the week, taking care of Tedward Edward. And D-boy forgot to ask his teacher if we could wash it, we'll see what happens :-)

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