Monday, December 9, 2013

2013: Looking Back

Every year when we are putting the tree away the pilot and I write down 2 lists. One is looking back on the previous year and another looking forward. When we put the tree up again the following year its fun to see if we predicted correctly what we would do.
This morning I started thinking about what an incredible 2013 we had and thought I would share.
I feel like it was a "yes" year.  In March my sister-in-law got married and at the last minute a bridesmaid bailed, so I volunteered to be in the wedding. D-boy danced to every single song during the reception. In April the pilot had a 24 hour layover in St. Lucia and invited us to go. After flying close to 9 hours, it was an amazing 24 hour trip. My first major celebrity sighting was on the flight back, Matt Damon and Stanley Tucci. It just happened to be the same weekend that Matt Damon renewed his wedding vows in St Lucia. In May I bought a Groupon to try a new gym that is literally one mile from my house. And I finally discovered a workout I truly enjoy and have fun. Also in May we spent 3 days in the mountains with my sister-in-law and her family.  July the pilot has another 24 hour layover in St Lucia and we say yes again. We also signed up for the local swim club and spent most of our summer at the pool. D-boy takes swim lessons and jumps off a diving board for the first time. In September we took an epic trip to Kona and enjoyed every minute we were there. I loved watching D-boy snorkel for the first time, swim with dolphins & sea turtles, and watch a volcano. In October we dressed up as a team for Halloween and won a costume contest (Cat woman, Batman, and Commissioner Gordon). In November we bought D-boy skis for our next adventure, all of us going skiing together. And December we decided to do thoughtful Christmas gifts by being creative (don't want to give this away since we haven't sent them out yet).
On the days I feel ordinary I have to remind myself of this amazing life I have, a wonderful family that I adore and I am blessed with the sweetest boy.
How bout you? What are you going to remember about 2013? And looking forward what are the plans you have for 2014?

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