Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Quick Results

I'd say I'm like most Americans and when I start something I want to have results right away. After my first 3 weeks I was ready to give up because I didn't see the results I was looking for, but what I failed to realize is it takes time to get the body you want. I read online that it takes 4 weeks to see change, 8 weeks for your friends and family to notice, and 12 weeks for the world to see. It may seem like a long time but honestly I just take it one day at a time. This morning I weighed in at 132 and I've lost 2 inches off my hips. 7 pound weight loss may not seem like a lot but when I started I was wearing a size 8. All of my jeans and shorts are falling off of me. I had to buy size 4 shorts the other day. I'm in between a 4 & 6 right now!! Which honestly just seems crazy to me. Especially since I'm only doing 30 minute workouts a day and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself when it comes to food. This is the smallest I've been in over 10 years.

My cousin came to visit last weekend, we mostly ate meals at the house but we did go out for one lunch. I had wine, beer, and some treats over the weekend. It didn't derail my plan and we worked out together while she was here. Did I mention I feel amazing?!
My Facebook group really inspires me to be a role model but to also be honest with my daily food intake. I'm starting to see results in my group as well. People are working out and being mindful of what they are eating. I have to say I hate dieting because I really do. This isn't about a diet, this is about being healthy and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. I know I'm not going to give up wine for the rest of my life but I can have it in moderation. I LOVE food and the foods I'm eating now are clean. The treats my cousin made were from scratch with real ingredients and they are AMAZING!! But I am pacing myself and I use one of my daily carbs for my treat.

Some of the tricks I do to help me stay on track with exercise include, laying out my workout clothes at night so when I wake up its the first thing I see. I exercise in the morning before my mind & body realize what I'm doing. I take daily selfies which help me see the progress I've made.

Their are so many websites online that have 21 day fix meals as well as the tools to help you get started. I'm all about sharing the information for free because their are just too many tools out there that are available to you. Including free workouts on youtube. Here is a great link I found last week that has all the information in one place.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, I'm happy to share!!!

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