Tuesday, September 8, 2015

On the road of life

Things have changed throughout my life and with each passing year I feel like I gain more wisdom and continue to learn new things about myself. This past weekend we drove to the mountains. I enjoyed each moment, the drive, the dogs in the back trying to figure out how to get comfortable, my son commenting on how he was going to spend his recently earned allowance and my husband constantly touching his growing facial hair. Sometimes when time goes by so quickly each day, its nice to take a moment to just appreciate the life we have here and now. I used to stress about what other people thought of me and now, in the nicest way possible, I just don't care anymore. I want to smile and share my positive energy with those around me so they can feel and know how much I love this life. But if that's not their thing, I'm okay with that. Yesterday I taught a yoga sculpt class and I can truly say I appreciated each person who came. When I teach I have so much fun and I can feel the energy in the room with the smiles all around me. I'm hoping this energy is contagious.
Several years back I realized that I'm not responsible for others people's happiness, only my own. That is a hard lesson to learn when you want your family and those around you to be happy. But the truth is the choice is their's not mine. Finding my true calling in life and discovering how to become a stronger and happier me helps my family. It's contagious, I promise. The energy you give and shine helps those around you. They want a little piece of what you have and they want to spend more time with you.
I used to be surrounded by some toxic individuals and when you have to work to pay the bills their isn't much choice to just leave. This was my daily life and I looked forward to the end of each day and the end of each week. I wish I could've told myself back then that I didn't need to let those individuals bother me so much. To just be me and let go of the petty things that didn't matter. To  not waste my precious time with my family complaining about my day. But with everything in life hindsight is 20/20. I no longer let those negative thoughts or feelings fill my days. I lead a life of gratitude. Even in the moments I want to complain about my frustrations, I remind myself to look at the things in my life that I'm thankful for and it turns my mind around.
In this moment and in this life, what are you thankful for and how can you appreciate the moments that truly matter?

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