Monday, November 25, 2013

Being Thankful

D-boy asked me today if on Thanksgiving we get to say what we are thankful for and I said yes. He said he couldn't wait to talk about what he is thankful for, and that made me very happy. I've tried to teach him that we should always be thankful for what we've been blessed with, our home, our family, our friends, our life. This time of year reminds me how thankful I am for my friend who gave my husband a kidney 3 years ago. Its something that on a day to day basis I might take for granted. The other day the pilot, myself, D-boy and our dog Bailey were all dancing together in our living room. Such a precious moment. Rather than the pilot being hooked up to a machine every night for dialysis, he is able to sleep peacefully through the night. And the biggest blessing is he can be a pilot again. Sometimes its easy to take our health for granted but the truth is there are so many people who don't have that basic need meet, health.
My father has been working in Malawi, Africa since 2004 helping orphans, widows, and the poor. As well as providing education for children. I am incredibly thankful for my dad and the work that God has put on his heart to help so many people.
I'm thankful for the family and friends that have enhanced my life and remind me that each day is precious. I love that we can talk about what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving but I don't want to forget to be thankful all year round.
Please take a moment to think about what you are thankful for this week and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

That time of Year

Victoria Secret Fashion show! You might find it surprising that I look forward to this every year. I believe I've watched every year. I'm a girl, of course I love a good fashion show. The themes are amazing to me and what they can do with underwear just blows my mind. However over the years I've also noticed the price of their merchandise has gone up and up and up. So now I know who is paying for this extravaganza, the consumers. The first time I purchased a bra at Victoria Secret it was $30 and I thought that was a bit over priced but it fit and I didn't want to look anywhere else. Now you can get  a bra for the low, low price of $52!! What?? It is a pretty store, the sales people are very helpful but not sure I want to spend $100 on 2 bras, oh and don't forget the underwear. Special price of 3 for $30. $10 each? I will keep watching the show but I just can't contribute to the outrageous prices. Victoria Secret is smart, they put this show out right before Christmas. Then us ladies see the commercials and let our significant others know what we want for Christmas. Guess what? All that stuff goes on sale the day after Christmas. At 1/2 the price even less sometimes.
This morning I just read that one of the "angels" said Taylor Swift was not the right performer for the show. She felt Taylor was young and a little inexperienced. My 2 cents is that I think she was jealous Taylor out shined all the models. Taylor Swift is a beautiful young woman who I admire and adore. This year my support will go to Taylor in purchasing her music, Victoria Secret can make their money off of another woman.