Tuesday, September 8, 2015

On the road of life

Things have changed throughout my life and with each passing year I feel like I gain more wisdom and continue to learn new things about myself. This past weekend we drove to the mountains. I enjoyed each moment, the drive, the dogs in the back trying to figure out how to get comfortable, my son commenting on how he was going to spend his recently earned allowance and my husband constantly touching his growing facial hair. Sometimes when time goes by so quickly each day, its nice to take a moment to just appreciate the life we have here and now. I used to stress about what other people thought of me and now, in the nicest way possible, I just don't care anymore. I want to smile and share my positive energy with those around me so they can feel and know how much I love this life. But if that's not their thing, I'm okay with that. Yesterday I taught a yoga sculpt class and I can truly say I appreciated each person who came. When I teach I have so much fun and I can feel the energy in the room with the smiles all around me. I'm hoping this energy is contagious.
Several years back I realized that I'm not responsible for others people's happiness, only my own. That is a hard lesson to learn when you want your family and those around you to be happy. But the truth is the choice is their's not mine. Finding my true calling in life and discovering how to become a stronger and happier me helps my family. It's contagious, I promise. The energy you give and shine helps those around you. They want a little piece of what you have and they want to spend more time with you.
I used to be surrounded by some toxic individuals and when you have to work to pay the bills their isn't much choice to just leave. This was my daily life and I looked forward to the end of each day and the end of each week. I wish I could've told myself back then that I didn't need to let those individuals bother me so much. To just be me and let go of the petty things that didn't matter. To  not waste my precious time with my family complaining about my day. But with everything in life hindsight is 20/20. I no longer let those negative thoughts or feelings fill my days. I lead a life of gratitude. Even in the moments I want to complain about my frustrations, I remind myself to look at the things in my life that I'm thankful for and it turns my mind around.
In this moment and in this life, what are you thankful for and how can you appreciate the moments that truly matter?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Social Media: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Yesterday I read this great blog about how a woman got off her social media 2 years ago. No more Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. She recently reactivated her Facebook just for her wedding to share pictures with people who aren't able to attend, but she said she'll be off it as soon as the wedding is over. I have to say I remember over 8 years ago when I was first introduced to Facebook, I told my friend I wouldn't need it because I had Myspace! Does anyone still use Myspace??
First lets start with The Good. I have less than 100 friends on mine and 80% of that number is family. I enjoy sharing photos of my son and our family, since many of the people on my list don't live in the same state. I don't get political, religious, or outrageous on my page. I want it to be a positive and fun place to share the good things in our life. Not every moment is rainbows and unicorns but I choose to share whats good.
The Bad, the very first thing I do when I wake up is look at my phone. I check on Facebook, did anyone like my posts from the day or night before? What did other people post? Instagram, I check on all the pugs we are following and see if anyone has liked my latest Mugsy photo. Email, how many emails do I have? I need to delete the advertisements, spam the junk, and read anything that is essential. Throughout the day if I have a spare moment I'm looking on my phone. When I get in my car after a yoga class or just leaving a store, I do this routine all over again! How many minutes of my day am I spending on my phone?? I've heard so many times I should start enjoying the moments in my life instead of looking at my phone.
The Ugly, now my son is noticing. I can hear his frustration when he is trying to tell me something and I'm looking at my phone. The other day he told me he was thinking it wasn't fair how much I get to be on my phone and he isn't allowed to use his tablet during the week. The truth is he truly just wants me to pay attention to him more than my phone.
Yesterday we went out to breakfast in a beautiful mountain town and we went to a museum. I tried my best to stay off my phone and not document my entire day on Facebook. I'm not saying that is a bad thing to do but for me not reaching for my phone for a day was a struggle. Today I'm trying the same thing and making progress by still failing.
Please keep in mind I'm not saying social media is bad but at this point I feel like I need to prioritize what is important in my life today. I want to enjoy my moments with my family instead of focusing on taking that perfect photo. I want to use my time more wisely and get my eyes off my phone. I want to have real conversations when I go out with my husband, instead of us both looking at our phones. I know I existed just fine before these amazing phones that do everything for us. I looked at people, I got in my car and just drove. I didn't need my phone every where I went. So for now, its baby steps but I'm committed to try something new and maybe break up with my phone for a bit.
What in your life do you feel might be keeping you from enjoying people, moments, and life around you?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Who am I?

3 years ago I quit my desk job. I have to say it was one of the most rewarding and scariest things I've ever done. Who was I? How was I going to fill my days? What was my purpose in life? I was very lost for a couple months until I had a conversation with my husband. He told me that I had taken care of him while he was sick & not working and this was his gift to me. That completely changed my perspective. Being able to not work and be home with my son & husband was a gift. The days the pilot is home we can actually spend time together. We run errands, eat lunch out, and pick up our son after school. Its the simple moments I have with my family that make me the happiest. At this point in my life I am the most grounded I've ever been. I love our home and the life that we've made together. Our pastor a while back said you will always be happy if you are happy with what you have and not unhappy with what you don't. That is exactly how I feel. I watch my son do incredibly thoughtful things for his friends, family, and teachers and I'm so proud. I believe he has learned this from us.
I'm currently in yoga sculpt teacher training. I'm excited to enter into a profession where I can share this happiness and positive energy with my students. I know when I go to any yoga class that I feel refreshed and renewed after class. The only thing I have to worry about in that class is to be in the moment. Not to look back or forward but to just be. This isn't always easy but over the last couple years I've gotten so much better at it. It's a great time to dedicate for yourself. I'm a better person for it. If you've never taken a yoga class, try it out. Many people think its about stretching but its so much more. The yoga community is very welcoming and non-judgmental. If its a little scary, you tube is a great place to start. You can try it in the comfort of your own home.
I would like to end this by thanking each one of you for reading my blog. I'm not as consistent as I used to be but I truly appreciate each one of you. Namaste..

Monday, May 4, 2015

Easing into 40

For my 40th birthday the pilot planned a trip of a lifetime for us. All 3 of us went to Paris, France. It was incredible 99% of the time. Turning 40 in a foreign country and being on a trip of a lifetime made it really easy not to feel old. Everything in the city we saw was absolutely beautiful. But for fun I'll focus on the 1% that wasn't so great. When we arrived I had not slept in 24 hours, I couldn't sleep on the flight because I was so excited. I booked a super shuttle and lets just say they were less than super. Once the driver picked us up he told us he had 2 more people to pick up. 30 minutes later he found them and he kept receiving text messages about picking up more people to fill the shuttle. After 1 hour of driving in circles around the same terminal I thought I was going to lose it! He picked up one last person and finally left the airport. Had I not just flown for 11 hours and been up 24 I might've been less annoyed.
We booked the Eiffel Tower at 10:30 pm the first night. When we were standing in line a french woman slapped her husband in the face very hard! (we actually laughed about this later) At first we were all kind of stunned, he walked away for a moment and then went right back to her. I guess Parisians are passionate! Once we got to the 2nd level their were quite a few couples making out in the corners. I guess that's what happens in Paris in the spring time!
Before we left we put the global plan on the pilot's phone, we didn't think it made sense to spend $80 to have both our phones on the plan for 4 days. Looking back I probably would've splurged on that extra $40 to be able to call the pilot. We lost each other at the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Worst place to lose somebody. The first hour I wasn't worried but then I really couldn't find him or my son. A museum worker let me use his phone but as soon I spoke with the pilot I had a feeling we were going in opposite directions. I didn't realize you could walk behind the painting of the Mona Lisa. So I finally just went to the exit. I couldn't call him again and 45 minutes later they both finally walked out of the exit. My son was in tears, he thought he lost his mommy. And the pilot didn't look too happy either. So we left the Louvre and decided to have lunch and restart. Every meal we had there was amazing so that really helped our moods. Then we went to Musee D'Orsay which had so many paintings we recognized. And it was a much smaller museum.
I do have to mention the macarons, they are the most amazing cookies I've tasted in my life. I bought them and ate them every day!!! On the very last day the pilot went on a morning run, he returned with 20 macarons. I love him!! We had only 5 to take home before he bought those. I was happy to carry them on the flights home. We shared them with friends and family, they only lasted a day and a half.
I truly enjoyed this amazing vacation and other than the very minor moments that things didn't go exactly planned it was easy just to restart and move on.
Turning 40 isn't so bad, I'd highly recommend doing it on vacation!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday Night Wine Tasting

Several weeks ago I received an invite from a friend about a wine tasting party. The invite contained many of my favorite things; wine yes, chocolate yes, cheese absolutely! and dinner served afterwards, yes and double yes. My first obstacle was that the pilot was not going to be home so I would have to find someone to watch our son. I decided not to take any chances and hired a real babysitter. He is 8 now and never really had a babysitter since I'm usually home or have friends he can stay with. He was very excited about having a babysitter. Next step, dress to impress. Now you have to understand I wear yoga clothes everyday and my fanciest outfit is usually jeans and a sweater. I don't even think I dress up this much for the pilot. But it's wine tasting with women, it sounded fancy and I wanted to look nicer than usual. I put on my dark jeans, black top, cute banana republic jacket, and new jewelry. I did my make up and made sure the curls were looking extra curly.  Now I'm thinking to myself I don't get out very much. Anyway, the party did not disappoint, I learned some new things about wine and had a great time. Did you know if you lick a lemon before you drink wine it completely changes the taste of the wine?? Crazy, I know. Although I think if you were to lick a lemon before eating anything it would change the taste, right?? Also if you pair the wine with the right foods it taste even better! I have to admit that I had a grudge against red wine since a Fray concert in 2012 but after trying several tonight I may be able to drink it again. Oh Hello red wine its been so long, maybe we can be friends again. But I must take baby steps because as I learned at the concert, too much of a good thing isn't such a good thing.
To be honest I was having such a good time I didn't want to leave but the babysitter had to be paid and it was a school night. When I got home she told me for the first hour and half I was gone they just talked. My son asked her at one point "So, do you live around here". Then he told her he believed in Santa and the Tooth Fairy but wasn't so sure about the easter bunny. His argument was how did his parents know where the eggs were if the easter bunny hid them. He has a pretty good argument.
If you ever find yourself invited to a home wine tasting party, just say yes! And I did sign up for the wine club but I am truly looking forward to getting 2 bottles of wine a month in the mail. What a nice surprise that will be.....

Friday, February 6, 2015

Letter to Jimmy Kimmel

Dear Jimmy,
Several weeks ago I watched the best episode of The Bachelor I've ever seen. What made it the best was you. You planned the perfect date for this couple, sending them to Costco with your grocery list was brilliant. Everybody needs enough ketchup to fill up a hot tub, you nailed it. I appreciated the "amazing" jar you presented to all the girls. I thought for sure it would be the "journey" jar, since I'm positive that word is said at least a dozen times if not more per episode. By the way what did you do with all those dollars the girls put in the jar? During the date you dared to ask the tough questions. Really every date on this show needs you, no one wants to ask tough questions. Like "Hey how do you like making out with 20 girls? or Does anybody really want to live on a farm in Iowa with no outside contacts?" I wanted to mention I have a hot tub in my backyard. You are welcome to eat wings in my hot tub anytime. Speaking of which the hubby and I would love to have you as a third wheel on a date anytime. After 20 years of marriage I'm sure you'd have some tough questions we could answer. Thank you for making a ridiculous show more entertaining to watch. I had a permanent  smile/laugh on my face when you were on screen.



Friday, January 9, 2015

January mini goals

Last year we sat down as a family and made goals for each month for the entire year. It was fun but the way I work is I like to figure out what I'm going to do on a daily basis. So this year we decided to set goals for each month. If something doesn't work we can make new ones for the next month. Here is what we have so far:

1. 2 meals a week from a cookbook we own (1 made by me, 1 made by the pilot)
2. Game night with music (no phones or distractions)
3. Yoga together one night
4. Daddy and son time
5. Wahoo's Fish Taco on Thursdays (kids eat free on this night)

My son was very excited about planning this with us. Especially the going out to eat on Thursdays. We were successful this week. Sunday night we played Skipbo and Jenga. I did a yoga flow for my son on Wednesday, last night we ate at Wahoo's, and tonight Daddy & son are working on a truck model together.
I wanted to share this to possibly inspire something new you'd like to to do. Either alone or with your family. Mini-goals are easy and attainable. You could also make financial, health, or exercise goals one month at a time. Even easier, make them one week at a time.
These are fun goals for us and I look forward to the new ones we will set in February.