Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Have you ever wondered what you would do if you ran into somebody that you thought or wished you'd never see again? What would you say? Well since I don't like confrontation, I know I would walk away. Unfortunately the pilot was not able to walk away. He ran into somebody that I used to be friends with on his commute home from work. And this person just happened to be flying on the same flight home as him. I have to admit I felt really bad for him but I was also very curious. She mentioned to him several times she didn't know why we were no longer friends (because you are a psycho), but he just said "I don't know either". And if she believed that she is crazy. Of course he knows, he is my husband. In 5 to 10 minutes she let him know all the details of her very nasty divorce, how she had sold their house and paid her ex-husband $15,000 to get rid of him. How her ex-husband has a girlfriend and that her ex was upset about her current boyfriend. The job she has now, which is flipping houses and exactly how much she is making on the houses. She also let him know that every dollar spent on the divorce was worth every cent to get rid of the a-hole. This person has absolutely no filter and after hearing all of this and more, it reminded me again why we were not friends. She kept saying I don't know why Jody and I are no longer friends. I could give you a very long list of reasons why but I will spare you the details. I met her when I went back to college to finish my degree. I truly didn't realize what type of person she was until I worked with her for a year. She was very toxic and I knew when I quit that job that we would no longer be friends. Her parting words to the pilot were this "Well, tell Jody she can call me, if she wants to". I haven't spoken to her in 3 years and I don't plan to now. I am thankful that I met another friend at that same job because I know I would not have if I didn't work there for a year. So something good came out of it. Thank goodness.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hats, hats, hats

Instead of writing blogs I've been making hats. It all started a couple weeks ago when my brother-n-law asked me to make hats for his twins due in March. When he called I only knew how to crochet blankets, so I had mentioned I could make tiny blankets that he could tie on their heads. Which obviously wasn't going to work. A friend of mine had posted some pictures of some hats she made and I asked her where she learned. From You Tube of course. So one afternoon I decided to try, it took me a couple hours but I had completed my first hat. I couldn't believe how easy it was, so next I asked my sister-n-law to send me a picture of what she wanted. Thanks to other bloggers I was able to find the pattern I needed for free and the picture you see below of Thing 1 and Thing 2 are the 3rd & 4th hat I've ever made. I used You Tube to show me how to make the pom-poms as well. Its amazing to me that I had access to all of this information on line. Next I wanted to make something cool that my son would wear. 

I made the basic hat I had learned on You Tube. Then I found another blog that had a picture of angry bird hats she had made. I needed to learn how to make a circle so once again I went back to You Tube. I was very excited to find out I could do something other than blankets. They certainly are not the perfect hats and I wouldn't call myself an expert by any means, but I was happy to make something I knew my son would like and wear. Below I am putting in all the links I used to create my hats. Thanks to the internet I learned something new and I realized I'm craftier than I thought. 

Basic Hat

Free Pattern for Long Hats

Pom Pom

Ideas (no pattern) for Angry Birds

Pattern for an Angry Bird Hat (I only used this for eyes and eye brows)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Let the Adventure Begin

On Friday the pilot suggested we do something new with the family. He downloaded an app called Geocache. Here is the definition of what it is -

GEOCACHING is a free real-world outdoor treasure hunt. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using a smartphone or GPS and can then share their experiences online.

We had so much fun with this and they are all over. D-boy thought it was a great treasure hunt. So far we have found 4. Saturday we took a hike and hid one ourselves. It also gives a little bit of purpose to a hike by being able to find something. The containers will have a log where you can write your name and the date you found it. We brought a little spider eraser to trade for something that might be in the container.  Our container had a matchbox car, a donate life plastic bracelet and a log book. We hid it yesterday morning and already 2 people have found it.  They also have urban geocache, basically hidden items in the city. I think I had just as much fun as my 5 year old. The look on his face when he found the "treasure" put a huge smile on my face. The app on your phone will lead you to the exact location, so we let D-boy hold the phone and tell us where to go once we were close. I think what I liked the most is its something free to do and you can share your experiences on line with others. I didn't realize we would get an email letting us know that others had found ours. 
Next weekend we might go on a trip with the pilot. I'm not sure and I don't want to jinx it. But it certainly will be an adventure. If we do go I will make sure to take lots of pictures and share at least one here.

What new adventure could you do....

Here is the link for geocaching 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Do What?

As you know I like body pump classes. However their is one teacher that I do try to avoid. Today I took her class. When I was explaining to the pilot my protest and what I don't like, he was able to explain why. So let me tell you what I don't like, before we end the class she has half the class put away the steps and the other half put away the weights. My thought is I got my equipment out and I can put my own equipment away. I didn't go to the gym to clean up somebody else's stuff. I know its silly and I should do it anyway, but I really don't want to. So I put my own stuff away and waited till everyone else was done. And yes I was the only one to do this. As I was telling this story to the pilot, he smiled at me and said the following "You don't like being told what to do". My response was "Well does anybody?" Which might also explain why this particular teacher drives me crazy because she usually spends the entire time harping on us about form.
It took me years and years with my jobs to figure out that they were just jobs. If my boss told me to do something I just needed to do it. However early on I wanted to do things my way and was resistant to change. I wish he would've told me this about 10 years ago, maybe I would've saved myself some headaches with the jobs I've had. I really am trying to be ok with change and to be more laid back. However, I will probably just avoid her class in the future. Yes avoidance, thats the answer :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Change your seat

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut? Same routine, same places to eat, same conversations, same day over and over. A couple weeks ago the worship pastor asked us how many people had been going to church for several years, and the next question was how many of us have sat in the exact same place for several years. I raised my hand, then he said something crazy!! "Get up and sit someplace new" I have to admit I stayed in my seat.  I think we all get comfortable because that is easier. The last couple months in my life I think I've changed my seat. I always thought I needed to work to have some purpose in my life. I didn't understand how women could be stay at home moms, didn't they get bored? Didn't they want to work? But after being home I realized that I love being at home. I've been working since I was 16 years old so it was definitely an adjustment at first. Before I didn't really take a lot of pride in cleaning house or taking care of my family. But now that I'm home I've changed my attitude, this is my job and I should be proud of what I do. That was the first change, the next was my health. The most recent change has been what I watch, what I read and what I say. Its true that if you put negative things in you will get negative things out. I don't want that anymore. Pay attention to the words you say and what you are watching. Its amazing when you really think about something before you say it. What changes do you want to make in your life? Start small, instead of that candy bar - eat a piece of fruit. Order something different at that restaurant you always go to. Say yes instead of no. It doesn't have to be a big change but sometimes its good to "change your seat" every once in while.