Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Volunteer Fired

Last time I volunteered I joked about being the only volunteer that would actually get fired. I had to do a craft project and I can honestly say I suck at crafts. I did my best but definitely was not proud of my work. I tried to foster puppies but after the first experience we got the puppy we wanted and I quit. I have a good reason though, the organization I was trying to help was completely disorganized. I was told they needed me to take care of 2 puppies, I was given a huge crate and NO other supplies. When I went to pick up the puppies 2 turned into 6. On a Friday morning they asked me to take the puppies to an event at 10 am, when I got there nobody was there. We waited a while and at 11 am somebody finally showed up. They didn't say a word to me and I had to introduce myself and ask who they were. I do want to help but so far the experiences I've had have not been the best. When I was volunteering downtown I got a parking ticket for $25. I have issues with parking, if I can't find a place to park I get angry. I'm not sure why this bothers me so much. And I hate parking tickets even more.
Truly the one consistent volunteer activity I've done that I've enjoyed is going to my son's school for one hour each month. Maybe because I just walk to the school and kids really don't have high expectations. My motto is have low expectations that way you are never disappointed. It probably helps that I don't have to go in until 1:10 in the afternoon. I will continue to search for a volunteer job that fits me. As long as "they" don't have high expectations of me, it'll work out just fine.

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